Thursday, May 20, 2010

More Females To Come???

So I ran across videos for two female rappers today and figured I'd post to see how you guys might feel about em'. Mean I'm hoppin sumbody will make it so I can stop hearin Nicki Minaj (she should be seen & not heard in my opinion, sry! [I'm not hatin' though, I'd get my money if I was her too]).

Ok, first is Xplicit Lyric with "I'm Nice Wit It". She def comes hard with her confidence in rappin and thinks she's sexy as hell which u'll see in the video. Her flow ain't deep but it's aight. I mean I can see her gainin a bit of a followin:


Agree or Disagree?

The next video has a couple of MCees in it but, focus on the white girl (yea, I said it). She goes by the name of Eternia. I def like the personality she gives off, but I'll say that her rap game might still have some developing to do (jus my opinion). However, she is pretty decent though. I'm kinda interested to hear more from her. She's part of a "group" called Eternia & MoSS (rapper & producer) and this is her video for "At Last" featuring Reef The Lost Cauze & Termanology. All are decent I think.

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