Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wish I Was There

So last night (1/20/10) apparently Phife Dog of A Tribe Called Quest put on a benefit concert in Brooklyn at The Knitting Factory. The concert was to benefit diabetes which makes sense considering Phife Dog is the self-proclaimed "funky diabetic." Headlining the concert were Jay Electronica, Ghostface, and Talib Kweli. Apparently by the end of the night however one more act got added to the set. The reunion of A Tribe Called Quest with all members (Q-Tip, Phife Dog, & Ali Shaheed Muhammed) present. Here's a video clip of their performance below. All I can say is I wish I was there.

A Tribe Called Quest live @ Knitting Factory 1/20/10 from LTD Magazine on Vimeo.

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