Sunday, January 17, 2010

Christian Rapper Addresses Jay-Z

So a Christian rapper has I guess, had enough of Jay-Z and what he feels are his satanic messages and symbolisms  in Jay-Z's music and videos. Fed up with the situation he's responded in his on song to address how he feels and also addresses Beyonce & Rihanna in the song. He attached this statement with the video. "By now you all have probably heard of Jay's Masonic and Satanic ties. Some of you are still skeptical which is expected. But This make give you a little more perspective. And to all my fellow Christians, I know I rpobably shouldn't have stooped to this level but I couldn't take it anymore. I can't sit back and watch someone disrespect and discredit my Lord and Savior! " Here's the song below and comment on what you feel.

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