Saturday, January 2, 2010

Will You Finally Listen to NC?

The newest artist signed to Roc Nation, just happens to be a young graduate from a New York skool, but hails from the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina. He's been slowly gaining a lot of buzz simply because he was signed by Jigga himself, but when you dig deeper and actually take a listen to "The Warm Up," his mixtape you should hear that this man deserves his own respect. His flow is his own, he tells his own story, his lyrics will paint pictures in your head, and his plan is to make it to the top and take over. With acts from North Carolina like Petey Pablo who became a two hit wonder, Little Brother who never got the respect they deserved and some have written them out simply because they lost 9th Wonder, and Small World who neva quite created a big enough buzz, will J. Cole finally be the NC, MC who last for more than a season in the game. My belief is that he will. With the right people already backing him and new artist such as Drake, Wale, & Kid Cudi taking the fore front as the newest class of Hip Hop artist, I believe not only will he stay around for more than a season but he'll excel and leave footprints in the world of hip hop. Hip Hop ain't dead, it's just been suppressed. As they say though, history repeats itself. Well I think this new class of artist will bring back that classic 90's hip hop that we've been waitin for for so long. Been tellin people NC's got real talent. Now mayb you'll listen. Below is J. Cole's "Grown Simba" track off his mixtape and "Beautiful Bliss" a track off Wale's Attention Deficit album which features J. Cole. Open up your ears people!


  1. Sentel!

    1st - Congrats on starting a blog! Keep it up. Looks real good.

    2nd - Wow. I like this J Cole! You are absolutely correct about the talented but falsh in the pan Petey Pablo and Little Brother not getting their due! I know they did a school/lecture at CHHS. Did they do one at East as well? Jordan was most impressed with their business advice.

    Much love,

  2. Lol, thanks mom. I'll def keep it going. They didn't come to East although I wish the would have. 9th Wonder came once and did a small lecture though, that was great! When I say they didn't get their due though, I mean I don't think they got the respect they deserved. Little Brother is still more well known over seas than they are in the US and I think they deserve more. As far as Petey goes, I think he made his mistake signing with Death Row, but who knows. Maybe their just waiting for the right time. J. Cole's the new great hope for NC though.

    Take Care,
