Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bangin' In My System

So jus as a blogger I thought I'd do my part in makin sum suggestions of music you might wanna take a listen to. First off, I'll say that B.o.B.'s debut album The Adventures of Bobby Rae is solid. Def sumthin you might wanna cop.

However for the free! You might wanna download Pac Div's Don't Mention It Mixtape. Pac Div made some nation wide noise with the track "Whiplash" which you can see the video for below. To download the mixtape just click on the Don't Mention It album cover.

Also you might wanna check out Knotta's album Envy. Knotta's unsigned but his lyrics say a lot of things I feel a lot of hip hop heads will not only hear but feel. Click the artwork for the download link.

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