Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gunz & Money? Deadly Combination?

Lil' Wayne was recently recorded on UStream shoutin out Cory Gunz saying that he'll be the newest member of the Young Money team. I've featured a video or mayb two before on Cory Gunz. Lyrically Cory Gunz is a serious problem and can rap circles around almost any rapper out today. However with this announcement will Young Money and Cory Gunz be a deadly combination for the industry and make young money THE hip hop label of the industry or a deadly combination by ruining Cory Gunz's career early or even completely changing the lyrical abilities of Cory now. If you've read my blog on Drake's new song below this one, then you kno how I feel about young money's formula for success. Drake's new release for his young money album seems dumbed down a bit and I'm wondering if Cory will follow in this same fate. Then again, mayb it's all apart of the plan to bring lyrical ability back to the forefront of hip hop. With Cory & Drake has the forefront of Young Money, if both artist are allowed to keep their own styles, Young Money could breath life back into the world of "real hip hop" in the mainstream. Wayne has great lyrical ability although I feel he doesn't use it much right now as much as he does for a few good punchlines right now. Cory & Drake have both proven their lyrical abilities which has earned both of them respect in the hip hop world. Could the change be coming or are the artist just about to conform? Only time will tell. See the UStream video of Wayne's announcement below.

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